Friday, June 15, 2012

What NOT to Do

Well, I gained almost two pounds this week... I'm disappointed, but in no way surprised (at least I'm not in denial, right?)!  I've been on vacation staycation for a week now and even though I'm cutting back on eating out TREMENDOUSLY... there were still four times in this past week where the meals weren't prepared at home.  Wow, that's a lot!  It didn't seem like a lot at the time...(doh!)...  And, then of course, let's not forget those cinnamon rolls... and there's stuff I didn't even post on here... like the homemade chocolate cupcakes, banana pudding, and chocolate covered bananas (omgediblearrangements) for my husband's birthday.  This week isn't much better in terms of fatty-food-goodness.  We've got Father's Day and a festival to attend.  Those two might not be so bad though... at least the leftover desserts won't be sitting in my house.

Does anyone know how fattening an elephant ear is?!? Lolz....

On a much better, healthier note, I got a very important package yesterday... my custom made orthotics!!!! See, I have a bone condition called a bone spur on my heel... it's like a little extra growth to my heel bone.  Everytime I put any pressure on it- It hurts!  Really, really bad!  This was preventing me from getting very physical... I mean, I'd even limp at work... I'm 24 years-old!  Insanity!  Anyways, these EXPENSIVE little suckers are supposed to relieve the pressure on my foot... YIPEE!

I'm starting off today with a healthy breakfast... hope this kick starts a healthy week with a 2 lb loss!

Happy Weight Loss!

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